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Open Plan Office

Office furniture for students, on plinths in Noorderplantsoen city park.
Ten artists were invited by the municiple Center for Visual Art in Groningen to make a sculpture or do a project that would give an impuls for new activities in an old city park. Concept Since we dicovered the 2000 year old Roman notion of dividing time in 'negotium' and 'otium', we became aware that we were actually all the time making were trying to make leisure productive or to make production a form of well-being. 'Otium' is the time you do not work, recover from your 'negotium', but it is not equal to holidays. It means you are resting in order to refresh the mind, you are maybe rading or preparing your next task. It is time for refelction and contemplation.

Four desks were installed on slabs of black concrete at the borders of a field in the park. One desk had a water tap. It seemed a good idea to privide places for study in a public park. Most of the time the desks were used for playing, soccer, courting, barbeque, etc.
location: Centrum Beeldende Kunst, Groningen
Observatorium - Open Plan Office - kantoortuin

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